Saturday, January 17, 2009

four seasons?

Not having seasons excludes us from a lot of those great “childhood memory” things… snow angels, jumping in piles of leaves, tasting icicles etc.
So Troy tried to fake it for the kids by raking as many leaves as he could to make a measly pile. The kids thought it was a blast to jump in, even though they were hitting hard ground each time because the pile was so meager!


karis stapley said...

Well very cute, & fun memories for the kids anyway. You guys are great to make great moments like that for you kids.

Wilm2RS said...

Wow! If only we had just a "measly" pile of leaves to rake! Next time, please send them out to NC and we will show them some real leaf jumping! BTW, they are NOT all that they are cracked up to be! I think memories of Bag-Bottoms are much more memorable!