Some years ago there was an incident involving a tuna sandwich. I don't remember the details, but it was along the lines of...newlywed being served lunch by her husband only to find out he had actually eaten all the lunch himself without considering his new bride and her hunger. Something along those lines. So as the years have passed...any time Troy forgets to consider me in food preparation or any fleeting desire I might have.. I remind him of the tuna sandwich.
Back story being told, Saturday I ran to the Dollar Store to pick up some things for Dallin's humanitarian project. While I was there I spotted large cans of IBC rootbeer. (I LOVE rootbeer!) So I bought one for Troy and one for myself. Later that day I drank them both. When Troy came searching for his afternoon treat he promptly called me on my "tuna sandwich" behavior. So to rectify my faux-pas, Monday morning the fridge was FULL of Troy's own personal stash of IBC rootbeer. I think I'm forgiven.