Happy Birthday Whitney!
The original Paul girls. (We missed Jean of course.) Pictures with this bunch is a riot... seems we all have something witty and funny to say right as they camera flashes. (at least we think it's witty and funny.. the picture taker most likely finds it silly and obnoxious) We all wanted to be next to Whitney's pregnant tummy so ours' wouldn't look as big!
All Whitney wanted for her birthday was to not be at work. So she took the day off and we did exactly what she wanted... nothing. And there are no other people I would love to do nothing with in the whole world!
Later that night the whole family came over to color Easter eggs and have "Dad's pancakes"!
Dad was the man of the night making his pancakes which deserve a post of their own. They are a large thick crepe filled with cinnamon and powdered sugar... lots and lots of butter. Oh delicious... I'm craving them now! He even did his own dishes.
Easter egg dyeing usually consists of the kids doing a few and then Dad and Whitney taking all night scheming up their creative egg masterpieces. Those two were seriously cut from the same mold!