Monday, April 7, 2008

This Star Wars thing is such an enigma to me. It seems that once you've been exposed there is no turning back. You become completely indoctrinated with the names, creatures, transportation, weapons, and philosophy. And I don't think, as a family, we will ever be the same. Most day to day actions or comments are now compared to or assimilated with Star Wars. All after they'd only seen it once! (Yes, Ella is just as big of fan. We have to tell her every outfit is like Princess Leah or she won't have anything to do with it. Her motivation to brush her teeth is so they won't look like Jabba the Hut's.) It was classic when I went to pick up Dallin and Ella from playing with some friends, and Laura (mom) says "I didn't know your kids were Star Wars nerds too". Ouch. Is that what it has come to? Oh well, I guess we're in good company. All the brilliant minded 5 year olds I know are working out for themselves how "the Force" is related to life and the eternal pursuit of happiness! I love these Lego building sets!
Grandma Deney even made Dallin a Star War's blanket to replace his old one. (It was Troy's on his mission... yeah, time to move on!) Unfortunately, he didn't agree and so instead of eliminating the rag, he now has two blankets to sleep with.


Maddy said...

Is this the next phase after trains? I can't wait to outgrow Thomas, but I keep wondering what comes next. Spiderman?

Julie said...

That's so funny because my girls have no idea what Star Wars is but they can name every Disney Princess for you and give you the lyrics to all the songs they sing. I'm almost craving the Star Wars obsession instead of the plethera of princesses.

Leslie said...

I just introduced SJ to Star Wars too...she has had lots of discussions with me about "Dark Vader" - (including "No Mom...his name is Dark Vader not Darth's because he wears black"). She also wanted to know why Princess Leia was a princess and Luke was not a prince since he is her brother. Maybe I'll send her over and let Troy and Dallin answer all of her questions.

Mindy said...

My boys love Star Wars too. It's crazy. Thanks for inviting me to your blog. It is fun to see your family. So you have twin girls? If you get a chance tell me your kids ages and what you have been up to.

Heather Bower said...

I didn't see this one. Funny You know Brielle she is so into Star Wars, she gets it from her dad not her mom. :-)