Monday, October 13, 2008

lookin' for fun & feelin' groovy

Karen did such a darling job on Carter's Tie-Dye Party!
She was brave to have so many little boys running around her house, let alone handling paints! They all did a surprisingly great job and their shirts turned out so "groovy"

They also made their own tie-dyed crayons and had psychadelic cupcakes. Good job K. Happy Birthday Carter.


Liz said...

those ideas are so cute!

karis stapley said...

wow! you guys are def. a creative family and its fun to see all the creative things you guys do!

Heather Bower said...

So cute I might have to do that one also. :) I love to copy you.

WhitJ said...

I am glad Karen pulled it off! I have to say I was a little skeptical when she told me her idea, and I thought for sure you would kibosh it. I could just see dye all over the house with melted wax on every surface, but it sounds like it was a good time by all. Oh the creativity the oozes from this family!

Maddy said...

OK, I suck at commenting, but I love your blog. You are so creative and your kids are so cute!