To Mom, (pretty much the only one who reads my blog) I am trying to put up my pictures from the last couple months. (back-blogging) So you'll always see this
race post (becaue it's the most recent). Just scroll down and see if anything new is posted after the race. OK.. so can we please stop the "when are you going to update your blog" phone calls? :) I love you! Sand
I read or check your blog everyday, sad I know but I love to see your cute creativity and writing. :) I just can't nag you like your mom does so I guess I can say Thanks mom!!! :)
Your Mom definitely isn't the only one reading this amazing blog!!! I just don't call and harass you! ha ha.
I love that pic!
I also agree, I have been waiting for some posts for a while, I read every single one as soon as they pop up on my reader so please thank your mom for the nagging!
Ok. Sandra, I love your blog, but for some reason, your blog never comes up towards the top of my scroll list! Not that I've got sooo many people on there, but yes, I admit, I dont look down towards the bottom bcuz the posts say for ex. something was posted 5 wks. ago on peoples blogs so I figure I must have read it already.
So I guess I better check out your blog alot more!
Sorry! :)
I love your blog too Sandra. Thanks for posting when you can
I am becoming pretty famous for backposts--I seem to put it off until I have a million posts to do at once. Hmmmmm, sounds like when I used to write in my journal. I guess some things never change!
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