Friday, February 22, 2008

welcome to the jungle

Dallin turned five and is going bananas! Dallin's monkey party turned out really cute. Dallin had so much fun running his invitations around because they were real bananas with little monkeys attached to them. He thought that was pretty funny. I thought it was just creative genius! :)

The kids played 'Pin the Banana on the Monkey'.. which I should remember never works for kids this age because they have an aversion to being blindfolded or closing their own eyes. Almost all of them put the banana exactly on the monkey's hand... amazing huh? :)

Gavin looks like your normal darling doesn't he with that sweet smile. But not when you put the pinata stick in his hand! Troy saw him as his executioner. Gavin had such a wild strong swing it almost decapitated my poor husband a few times.

So my monkey pinata proved indestructible after the multiple beatings it received... What can I say.. I make some pretty quality stuff around here! Troy ended up breaking the thing open so the kids could get their treats.
The party was fun, but after all was said and done, I realized (again) that they just don't care about all the "frills". They would have been just as happy playing out in the yard eating rice crispie treats (store bought ones at that!). But as long as I understand that all the fun themed stuff is for my own enjoyment.. it's all good.
happy birthday little monkey!
january 24, 2008


Amanda Stephan said...

It's are world's BEST MOM!!! You are sooo cute and both of their parties looked so dang cute! Great job on the poor kids will be stuck with store bought! ha ha ha.

Hess Fam said...

2 darling parties! I love how the tutu turned out. Great job!

Anonymous said...

Once again, you've outdone the rest of us! Looks like you had a fabulous time. Wish we could have made it!

Kizzycakes said...

i'm so glad we don't live in the same state so now i can just steal your cutest ideas and pass them off as my own. oh wait...i'd never be able to execute the way you do! so how did you convince your 5 year old to have a non-character party? my son was so dead dog set on having a transformers party. oh well -- like you said, they really don't care about all the cute crap you do anyway. thanks for sharing though cuz i LOVE it!

Shannon said...

I totally saw this monkey party on Martha and thought it was so cute. Looks like Dallin had a good time.

Liz said...

Lovin it and maybe stealin' it!! Great idea!!
Sometimes putting together the party is just as fun as the kids havign the party, except the mom only cares how cute it is.
Good job

[dene'] said...

Happy Birthday to Ella and Dallin! Wow, Sandra the cakes and parties look incredible you talented thang!